It was Geoff's turn and we decided to park up at Pikehall then walk to Minninglow where we ended last weeks walk and carry on up the High Peak Trail on a different route back to the car.
All went well, it was dry but cold and we were on a solid surface with just a gentle incline (well it would be on an old railway track). The walk started along part of the lanes we had trod once before a couple of years ago when we were looking for the lost guide stoop of Pikehall. We went past the remains of the old lime kiln, now a bit further up the track our Rob decided he wanted his necker and his gloves on because it was very cold. Ike rummaged around in Robs rucksack to get out the said items, all sorts of stuff ended up on the ground including one of his own gloves, he wouldn't pick it up because he said it was bad luck WHAT!!. Anyway Rob donned his gloves and necker then we carried on until we got about half a mile further up the road then Ike stopped in his tracks and shouted I've left my "*?*! stick. It appears when we stopped to get Robs stuff out of his rucksack Ike stuck his stick in the ground while he rummaged looking for his stuff. He wanted to go back and retrieve it but that would have taken about another 40 minutes, so Geoff said when we get back to the car we'll drive to it and get it back. We carried on past Minninglow embankment where we had our breakfast last week and onto the Minninglow car park where we stopped for this weeks breakfast. From here it was plain sailing to get back to the car without incident. Back in the car we went to the spot where Ike thought he had left his stick and it was still where he had left it. I must say at this point Ike has had this stick for some time now and he is very attached to it (I've even heard he takes it to bed with him lol) He was very relieved to get it back.
Route around Pikehall |
Ruins of the Pikehall lime kiln. |
Rob |
The iconic Minninglow in the distance. |
Checking the map |
This way or that way. |
The 3 Amigo's |
Geoff |
Minninglow from the other side of the embankment |
Geoff next to the old crane |
Old railway milepost |
This the Minninglow Sidings embankment |
Geoff |
Down the track from the Minninglow car park |
Breakfast time |
Rob |
Apparently this used to be the tightest curve on British Rail when it was in operation. Near Gotham farm. |
Ike got his stick back |
Again another lovely walk which would be spectacular in good light and warmer times. We saw a couple of buzzards and a bird we couldn't identify, it was bigger than a kestrel but smaller than a buzzard, definitely a bird of prey though. Only 4 1/2 miles this week but very enjoyable.
See you next week.