The 4 of us back together after a few weeks and it was the usual 07:00 at our Robs then off up the A6 to Curbar Edge. We went up in Rob's car and parked in a lay by just below the Curbar Gap Car Park. While the boys were booting up i legged it up the hill and onto the track. I could see the sky getting a red tinge and by the time i got to the top it was blood red. I grabbed a couple of quick shots with my camera wedged on top of a post to give it a bit stability and then it was all clouded over. The other 3 caught up and we had a nice gentle stroll along the edge. The weather was OK but the light levels were very low at this time in the morning with the cloud cover. Walking down the track unusually there was quite a lot o folk about, we normally don't see many people at all. We exchanged pleasantries and then i thought i recognised the voice of one of the guys, he recognised Geoff. We had spoke to them last year while we were looking for Robin Hoods Cross, Mick and Robin they are called and a couple of great characters. After our catch up these two we wandered further down the track and found somewhere out of the wind and had our breakfast. On the way back there was even more people about, cyclists and a large group of women joggers. On the way back to the car the weather closed in and it was getting a bit drizzly so we just made it in time.
Curbar Edge |
Ike |
Geoff & Ike |
Rob |
Rob, Robin, Mick, Ike & Geoff |
Rob & Ike |
Geoff |
Breakfast time |
Geoff |
It was good to out together for the first time this year, only just over 2 miles but very enjoyable.
See you next week.
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