Sunday 26 November 2017

Chatsworth Woods

5 of us today, Geoff's son Stephen joined us and we set off in the rain straight up the A6 to Beeley Moor corner where we parked up. We were up here a few weeks ago but thought we would explore a different part of the woods. The weather was very changeable with the sun breaking through then a bit of drizzle and that's how it continued. The track leads over the moor to the woods and then we had a bit of shelter. Slowly wound our way around and found a huge chimney that we assumed was the flu from the old green house. We just followed a wall back onto the track then to the Souter Stone that feeds the cascade. We had our breakfast next to the waterfall, o lovely sound of falling water. After breakfast we headed back to the car.

This weeks route around Chatsworth

First light where we parked


Flu ?

Leading to the stone flu

What a motley crew. Rob, Geoff, Ike, Stephen and me

Mist rising from the woods at the other side of the valley

Geoff and Stephen

Leading to the flu

Mist rising from the trees

A nice walk just over 4 3/4 miles and found some interesting workings with that flu.
See you next week