We were due to set off at the usual time of 6:30am but this time was obviously to early for one of our group who was still in bed at 6:20.
When our Rob eventually got out of the pit and joined us we headed up to Cressbrook Dale and parked up in the car park at Upperdale.
It was a beautiful bright morning but still very cold, the car thermometer read 2 degrees.
When we got out of the car it was very sunny and Geoff & Rob donned these false eyelashes to keep the sun out of there eyes.
Eye shades or eyelashes? |
We ambled past Cressbrook Mill and then turned right into Ravensdale where we came across this old MG sports car, all it needs is a bit of TLC and it would look great.
Just up the track are these fantastic cottages, they're called Ravensdale Cottages and i have made the photo into black & white and it looks as if it could have been taken 100 years ago.
Just needs some TLC |
Ravensdale Cottages |
It was a steady climb from the Ravensdale Cottages (which are former 19th century lead miners cottages) through woods with a fantastic variety of birdsong. We had to cross this lovely wooden bridge over the brook. The footpath was a bit soggy in some places, but generally OK.
The moss on the wall & tree was a brilliant green. |
Lovely little wooden bridge |
A steady climb up from the brook to fine views overlooking Cressbrook dale. |
Geoff almost at the top. |
When we were getting towards the top (nearly a 500 foot ascent) and when we cleared the trees we got superb views over Cressbrookdale.
View over Cressbrookdale |
Steady climb to the top |
Almost there |
Breakfast stop with fantastic views |
Wonderful limestone walls. |
After we had breakfast we walked down this "Green Lane" towards Wardlow. These green lanes were the highways for horse & cart traffic of days gone bye.
We came out of the green lane onto the main B6465 road where we passed this gate covered in dead moles hanging up.
Dead moles have been tied to this gate. |
This dew pond is full after all the rain we've had. |
Couldn't resist this scene, it looks like something out of the Teletubbies |
We turned off the B6465 and walked down Hay Dale passed an old friend, one of the ancient Derbyshire stoops.
Stoop in Hay Dale. |
Interesting strata in the rock outcrop. |
There was a lovely cottage at the crossroads in Upperdale, and Geoff suggested it might look good in black & white. I have made one colour and one black and white and i personally prefer the black and white version.
Crossroads at Upperdale |
Victorian letterbox |
Back at the car park and ready for home |
A cracking walk this week with some stunning views and wonderful birdsong.
See you next week
Just to let you know. Ravensdale Cottage were purpose built Mill workers cottages. They built in 1823.