Just 3 of us today myself, Rob and Ike and we thought a trip around Burbage Rocks to see if we could spot a cuckoo. We set off at 06:00 and parked up not far from the Toads Mouth at 06:50.
We set off up the track and the first thing we found was an old circular water trough with a crack through it, i wonder if the mason got the sack or even worse. Thirty seconds later back on the track Ike says "Ive left my rucksack in the car" After a few choice words he headed back to the car to get it while Rob and myself wandered slowly a bit further on to the newt pond. Ike caught up with us at the pond, last time we were here it had lots of newts in but Rob recons it was to cold for them and they are hiding at the bottom somewhere. From there we walked through the remains of what used to be a pine forest that has been managed by the Forestry Commission. I know they have to do this but the area just looks a mess. The footpath through this area petered out and then we were faced with a fence. Rob and myself got over OK but Ike couldn't manage it and in the end our Rob had to give him a fireman's lift over the fence. Walking over this rough land was really tough and sapped the strength from your legs. We got back onto the main track and we saw a Ring Ousel and i managed to get a snap of it, although it was quite a long way off and the quality not very good. From there we got to the Upper Burbage area where we had our breakfast.
After breakfast we started back towards the car but we took the high track along the top of Burbage Rocks. We came across a nice big cairn and then found a spot to have our pic taken by a couple of lads that were walking behind us. Further down the track we found another cracked stone trough, this one was huge and only part finished, and you could see the method used to make them by cutting out around the inside of the perimeter. We passed a quite large quarry and one of the slabs you could see where they had been drilling the rock. Just after this we heard the cuckoo only for a couple of minutes but a great spring sound. It was just a short distance back to the car
This weeks route |
Rob & Ike booting up |
Carl Wark & Higger Tor in the background |
Rob & Ike checking out the cracking trough |
Ike heading back to the car for his rucksack |
Rob at the newt pond |
Desolate land after all the trees have been felled |
Ike & Rob |
Ike |
Ike & Rob |
Rob & Ike |
Ring Ousel |
Breakfast time |
Bridge at the top of Burbage Brook |
Ike crossing a stream |
One of the cairns |
Ike, Rob & me |
Looking down into the quarry |
Drill holes on that big slab |
The rectangular cracked trough |
Good view of Carl Wark and Higger Tor |
This was another cracking walk just over 4 miles (4 1/2 for Ike lol) we saw a couple of Ring Ousels, a swallow and a couple of other unidentified small birds. We heard a cuckoo, grouse and a curlew, all in all a pretty good morning.
See you next week